The Neighborhood of Alvalade

Lisbon is such a monumental city that it can be overwhelming. What's around this corner? Another ancient church with another fascinating history that I'll want to spend hours learning all about? Ain't nobody got time for it all! So, it was almost a relief to be exploring the neighborhood of Alvalade, where the biggest "sight" is an everyday produce market.

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The Ponte 25 de Abril

You wake up groggy and semi-conscious, surprised to find yourself in a low-flying plane. Your arms are tied behind your back, but you manage to lift your head and look out the window. The villain appears and, pushing a knife against your neck, screams "Where are we? Right answer, you live!"

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The Money Museum

Considering the extent to which it rules our lives, how much do any of us really understand the concept of "money"? We spend the majority of our time in pursuit of it, and it can inspire us to deeds both brilliant and contemptible... but what is it? We're not exactly bartering arrowheads for pelts, anymore. To help us get a better grasp on an increasingly abstract concept, we visited the Bank of Portugal's fantastic Museu do Dinheiro, or Money Museum.

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